Event Engagement Ideas!

Are you looking for event engagement ideas? We bet you are, well that's great news as Exhibition Designer has laid out some examples of how we can help you. 

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Event engagement is one of the most important aspects of exhibition design.  When designing a booth, it's important to consider all of the interactive aspects of the event stand and what each of those things is designed to do.

In our experience, gamification is a fantastic way of engaging prospective customers on your event stand.  This can be delivered using on-stand games, built-in touchscreen televisions, QR codes, and NFC tags.

Once your event stand has a certain amount of engagement activities, then to really understand how these benefited your exhibition, you must consider what data you can draw from these activities. Some games can be designed to capture user data, telephone numbers, email addresses, company names and the users' titles.

On larger event stands is important to understand which aspects of the stand are most engaging and why these are more successful. But why? This is because we can use this data to understand where the design has benefited or missed out on potential customer flow. It also shows us what aspects have been most engaging and where the budget can be saved or redirected for future events.

 What is bespoke engagement for event stands?

Bespoke engagement for event stands tends to be specific developments unique to that business, market or event. We often develop custom solutions for our customers, such as:

  • Pledge walls
  •  Interactive brochures
  •  Questionnaires
  •  Games
  •  Puzzles
  •  Touchscreen interfaces
  •  User-driven experiences


event blog posts

Here are some helpful articles to give you hints and tips you can follow for your marketing


What is gamification?

By Exhibition Designer Admin | 14 August 2022

Gamification is the use of game playing and competition to increase engagement. It is often used within learning environments and presentation spaces, such as exhibitions to increase information absorption and brand recognition. What is event gamification? Event gamification is the use of gameplaying/competition at an event or event stand to promote engagement with the product…

What is a modular exhibition stand?

By Exhibition Designer Admin | 5 August 2022

A modular exhibition stand is normally an exhibition stand which is prebuilt using a defined framework. This allows you to develop and change the stand (within reason) very much like Lego bricks. Using a modular exhibition stand has its benefits for some businesses; usually, modular exhibition stands are associated with smaller companies that need to…


What makes a good trade stand?

By Exhibition Designer Admin | 5 August 2022

It’s a big question! What makes a good trade stand? In our blog, we write a lot about tips and tricks that you can use to really engage your particular audience.  We put together 10 key recommendations we feel will help to provide you with a good trade stand. 1. Attractiveness The visual aesthetic is…

Sustainable Event Stands

By Exhibition Designer Admin | 4 August 2022

What are sustainable events stands? Sustainable event stands are stands that have been constructed using sustainable materials. They are also stands that have been designed to be reused or repurposed after an event.  Physical events and exhibitions often result in a great deal of waste, sustainable event stands take on board reusable materials or materials…


What is virtual exhibition stand design

By Exhibition Designer Admin | 1 August 2022

Virtual exhibition design is the creation of a digital exhibition stand. Usually, this is a 3D stand using a 3-dimensional solution or, in other cases, a digital space that provides advertisers with the opportunity to present their information for download.  Digital exhibition stands can provide download stats, visitor numbers, clicks and video plays etc.   Nearly…


How to design a custom exhibition stand

By Exhibition Designer Admin | 1 August 2022

When designing a custom exhibition stand, we believe there are five key aspects to consider, in this blog post will discuss how to design a custom exhibition stand at the most important things to consider. Remember you only need to call or  email to consult with our team. 08451 303404 (Low call rate)  OR 07975607069…

What is event lead capture technology?

By Exhibition Designer Admin | 14 January 2022

Lead capture technology is designed to capture potential customer data at your exhibition stand.  lead capture technology comes in a variety of different formats.    Name badge scanning  –  one of the best ways to capture leads is name badge scanning of potential customers at your event stand.  traditionally this is completed by writing down…