What makes a good trade stand?

It's a big question! What makes a good trade stand?

In our blog, we write a lot about tips and tricks that you can use to really engage your particular audience.  We put together 10 key recommendations we feel will help to provide you with a good trade stand.


1. Attractiveness

The visual aesthetic is one of the primary requirements of an event stand, if your trade stand does not look fantastic, it will not immediately engage the audience. Attractiveness is one of the most important first steps in your trade stand design. Custom exhibition stands allow for this and give the best opportunity for success, if you have the busdget, if not there are other modular options.

2. Approachability

Subservient to the visual aesthetic is approachability; how approachable is your event stand?  in order for the people to come over, they must feel able.  Sometimes companies will add furniture or tables in the wrong places, actually harming the approachability of the trade stand.

3. Interactivity

Supporting approachability must certainly be interactivity.  Interactivity is essential with good trade stands because it helps them to be more attractive and approachable to prospective customers. Exhibition Engagement is the key to pulling in the crowds.

4. Usefulness

This is partly covered in the first three points, but usefulness is a sense someone will feel as they approach your trade stand. How useful will this event stand be to me?  if the answer is not very, how can you expect to see quality footfall on your stand?

5. Branding

Most marketers will focus on branding. However, event branding can be unusually difficult for marketing departments with less exhibition experience.  it is important to lean on exhibition designers to help facilitate and optimise event branding.  Classy and attractive branding will entice prospects to the stand.

6. Event Merchandise

Traditionally, event merchandise is a big part of why some prospects would attend certain exhibitions. Some exhibitions were renowned for particularly good event merchandise; similarly, so were certain brands.  event merchandise serves an important purpose, and it carries the quality of the brands as well as a message beyond a particular exhibition.  If you can make your event merchandise useful in day-to-day business activity, then you will continue to market your product or service far beyond a one or two-day exhibition.

7. Strong images

Like branding event imagery is very important, it carries a message about the brand, product, or service, but it also speaks to the quality of the company.  using low resolution or to complex images can detract from the important job of the trade exhibition stand.  exhibition designers can help determine the most appropriate image choice for attractiveness, approachability and results.

8. Quality finishes

Like the paint finish on a car choosing the right quality finishes supports the attractiveness, therefore, approachable at the of the trade stand. Images that are pixelated or blurry can affect the quality of finish.

9. Friendly staff

Choose your events staff carefully, there needs to be a balance between technical knowledge and approachability.  Motivated and happy event staff radiate an aura of approachability.  It is important to ensure that your event staff are properly trained and proficient in your product or services.

10. Positioning

This refers to the location of your trade stand, choosing the right location can make the event stand more approachable and an increase foot fall to the stand.  An experienced stand designer will help give insight to a particular venue its pitfalls and foibles.  this is very important because positioning branding, images or event merchandise can simply turn people off before they've made an informed decision about your company.


We hope that these 10 simple but effective guides can help you get the best out of your trade exhibition stand.  If however, you are at all worried and would like to seek  professional support,  then please get in touch or contact us through this page.  thank you taking time to read this blog, if you have an opinion, and industry professional would like to add to this please email [email protected]

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