Sustainable Event Stands

What are sustainable events stands?

Sustainable event stands are stands that have been constructed using sustainable materials. They are also stands that have been designed to be reused or repurposed after an event.  Physical events and exhibitions often result in a great deal of waste, sustainable event stands take on board reusable materials or materials that can be recycled.

How can sustainable event stands help?

Using interchangeable or modular aspects of the event stand can help by allowing key components to be reused without being disposed of. This means less energy wasting creating frameworks,  less material waste and fewer transport emissions on materials.

  • Less material waste means less rubbish going to landfills 
  •  Less energy wastage
  •  Less paint and preparation substances
  •  Less dual waste
  •  Less environmental impact

Are sustainable event stands more expensive?

In some cases, they may be, but generally speaking, if care is taken at the design stage, then materials can be considered for reuse and recycling from the initial brief.   Surprisingly materials such as plastics can be valuable because they are strong enough to support multiuse, which makes them better for the environment than say, wood products that may need to be disposed of post-event.  The initial outlay for frameworks such as the T3 aluminium event stand can be more expensive, but after it has been used 2 to 3 times, it becomes a positive investment.

When should sustainable event stands be considered?

We recommend sustainable event stands be considered whenever possible, but an event stand is being used more than two or three times two service business needs.  sustainability comes in many forms, and we have news about sustainable wood from forestry assurance schemes, which means that word is responsibly sourced and sustainable. If the wood can then be recycled into chipboard or other byproducts after issues and continues in a sustainable fashion being reused for other things.  sustainability is a really important  topic for all businesses in 2023